Новости английский

Cyprus is gradually emerging from the lockdown

2020-05-05 17:18
Dear Clients and Partners! Cyprus is gradually beginning to emerge from the lockdown. The Cyprus office of Lawitt Hamilton Tax & Legal has not stopped its work. We carefully monitored all legal trends and prepared an anti-crisis offer for our clients.

- If you provide services to a group of Cyprus companies owned by a limited number of beneficiaries
- If you want significantly save costs and your own time on communicating with a local agent
- If the protection of confidential data about companies, sales, transactions, etc. is an important aspect for you
- And also, if you are closely following the changing requirements for Cyprus companies in terms of substance You can send your request to info@lawitthamilton.com and we will send you an offer to create your own Family Office in Cyprus.

Own Family Office is not an unattainable luxury, but a measure of significant savings and prudence in response to changing business conditions.